Monday 22 June 2015

P4 Personal Plan - Flowchart

Personal Plan
Once I've finished Long Road I will hopefully be attending Anglia Ruskin University to study Media Studies. I am hoping to carrying on working for Huntingdon Council and other free lance work during my time in University. With the aid of Anglia I'll be able to borrow the best equipment and get feedback from Media professionals teaching there. With aid of my skills that I have learnt during Long Road I should be able to gain a quick start at University. The use of PhotoShop and Premier Pro will be essential for my editing future in University. By having these skills before University, will boost my confidence and choice of roles within class.

- Premier Pro
- Photo Shop
- Garageband
- Out of the box thinker
- After Effects
I have a brilliant understanding of editing software such as Premier Pro because I've been working on it for more than 3 years now. I have wide range of skills that can be applied in further education such as University. I feel confident using these programs because of the experience I have with them e.g. documentary project. 

After I have finished University I plan to obtain the job I've been striving to get for my many years in education. I'm hoping to end up working for someone like E4, BBC or ITV as they all important and successful in the Media industry. If I'm unsuccessful or somehow don't desire he job anymore I will develop my free lance work and see where that pursues me e.g. film festivals or part time documentary. I have already done a few free lance projects so this won't be impossible to achieve.

While studying at Anglia Ruskin I will try to gather a group of students to create an online portfolio to gain experience and hopefully free lance opportunities. If successfully finding a group we could potentially create a part time company/business for free lance stuff e.g. photoshoots and small documentaries. I've listed in my personal audit that I could buy a camera + tripod from Amazon or Curry's. This won't be necessary as I could borrow all this equipment from Anglia Ruskin as they allow there Media students access to their equipments whenever.

What I have:

  • Camera
  • Apple Mac
  • Editing software e.g. iMovie
  • Laptop
  • Sound Recorder
What I can borrow/purchase:

  • Editing software (Premier Pro - PhotoShop) Abobe Editing Suite
  • Crew from University or friends
  • Actors from University or friends
  • Sound equipment from University or friends
  • Props e.g. costumes and sets from University or friends
  • Professional filming camera from University or friends
  • Tripod from University or friends
Contingency Plan:
If my plan doesn't pan out, for example not getting enough points to get into Anglia then I will use the 'Clearance' plan provided by UCAS. This plan allows students to search for courses with lower requirements e.g. 260 to high so they provide a course for 220. If I'm not able to attend university sue to the lack of points I will have to expand my portfolio online and increase the popularity of my work. In other words I will have to go free lance and use the skills I have already learnt from Long Road to find a job. I could possibly attend a course at CRC to increase my UCAS points but as I'm older than 18 I would have to pay, which in my case isn't a option at the moment. Finally I could apply for an apprenticeship here This will provide experience while also giving me income to purchase things in the future. In my opinion an apprenticeship isn't such a bad contingency plan. I should be able to get an a apprenticeship with my current skills. 

P3 Personal Resources

The rough amount that I'll be spending on equipment this year depends on how much I get from the university. A rough estimate for my spending would be around £400/£500. This is more than enough to buy a camera, tripod and editing software, overall completing what I need for successful year. All the prices can be found in my resource plan above.

What I have:

  • Camera
  • Apple Mac
  • Editing software e.g. iMovie
  • Laptop
  • Sound Recorder
What I can borrow/purchase:

  • Editing software (Premier Pro - PhotoShop) Adobe Creative Suite. This should be supplied by University as they have complete editing suites and more. I will also be purchasing this at the start of University to enable me to do editing at home.
  • Crew from University or friends. I can get a good crew from my previous or future class mates at university. The crew would be efficient s they're studying the same course. 
  • Actors from University or friends. I can obtain actors from Drama courses at University as they will be able to gain experience and word of mouth by featuring in as many projects available.
  • Sound equipment from University or friends.  This should be supplied by University as they have complete editing suites and more. I will also be purchasing this at the start of University to enable me to do editing at home.
  • Props e.g. costumes and sets from University or friends. I can obtain pros from the Drama department at University.
  • Professional filming camera from University or friends. This should be supplied by University as they have complete editing suites and more. I will also be purchasing this at the start of University to enable me to do editing at home.
  • Tripod from University or friends. This should be supplied by University as they have complete editing suites and more. I will also be purchasing this at the start of University to enable me to do editing at home.

Wednesday 3 June 2015

P5 UCAS - University

After finishing with the research of the universities I wanted to go to, I then applied to the universities I wanted to join, however, before doing this I had to register into UCAS.
For the application process on the UCAS website, I did the following instructions:

Step 1:  Select up to 5 universities/courses to apply to.

Step 2:  Fill in personal details about myself. 

Step 3:  Fill in details about my past qualifications, and thesubjects I am curently doing.

Step 4:  Write a personal statement.

Step 5: Write about past work experience or jobs.

Step 6: Get references from teachers and my progress coach.

Step 7: Send the details off.

Step 8: To show it was successful, UCAS will email or even send me a letter to confirm the information I have given them and will let me know in the nearby future if anything is wrong with the application. 

Monday 5 January 2015

About Me

P2 Evaluate My Qualities

Personal Characteristics
- Self Reliant 
- Great Communicator
- Good Team Worker
- Can lead a team
- Creative
- TrustWorthy 
- Friendly
- Punctual
I'm able to get to places on time and well prepared. I'm always dressed smartly and can arise to any occasion. I like to work in groups and take lead roles need be. I can take charge of groups as my confidence has grown since being at Long Road. I like things to be done properly and on time as this keeps things flowing which is beneficial for everyone.  

- Premier Pro
- Photo Shop
- Garageband
- Out of the box thinker
- After Effects
I have a brilliant understanding of editing software such as Premier Pro because I've been working on it for more than 3 years now. I have wide range of skills that can be applied in further education such as University. I feel confident using these programs because of the experience I have with them e.g. documentary project. 

 Relevant Achievements
-Two and a half years at Oxfam
- Distinction Level 2 
- B in GCSE Media
- Prefect in Secondary School
I've had many achievements which has provided opportunities for further education such as my B in GCSE media lead to a distinction in level 2, which allowed me to progress onto level 3. Each achievement allowed me to progress and gain new achievements such as working at Oxfam for  Two and half years. By working at Oxfam I was able to meet the manager who introduced me to the Huntingdon Town Council. I then was asked to do a documentary for the Town Council. 

- Sound
- Videogames
- Music
- Films
- Anime
- Reading Manga
- Media

- Voluntary Work at Oxfam
I spent two years volunteering for the Oxfam bookshop in Huntingdon. Although this may not seem crucial, the two years spent there allowed me to grow the confidence I needed for my first year of Long Road, without the confidence I wouldn't been able to come out of my shell and produce high quality work.

- Documentary for Huntingdon Council and class
My time at Oxfam was a success as I was able to befriend the manager who introduced me to the Huntingdon Town Council. Richard the manger of Oxfam at the time told them about my media skills and they asked me to some short documents for them. After doing a few short documentaries they asked me to film a big event called Huntingdon Remembers 1914 , a documentary about 1914. This was a huge honour and a challenge that I knew I was up for. I had to have a crew which I was in charge of so I choose fellow classmates who I knew would be up for the job. On the day I was in charge of 3 other people and had to go around interviewing and filing the events that took place. The event took place over the weekend and lasted for two days. Once Completed I had to do two edits, one for class and one for the Town Council. I did all my editing on Premier Pro.

- Music Video
For Media Studies I had to go in group of 5 and produce a music video for a local artist named Karmadillo. My role of the group was to be the Producer, this meant that I had to manage the group and give them things to do from a list of jobs given to me. I nominated myself to do the production plan, call sheet, and location sheet. While doing those things I had to keep in touch with the performer and give him details of where the shoot was going to take place. I had to make my own edit for the music video, which I ad to send to the artist once complete. 

- Animation
I went in group of 2 to do my animation. Me and my partner chose to do a Rotoscoping tribute to one of our favourite animes. We used PhotoShop to create the frames. Each frame was sketched using a tablet and this took over a month to do. We did 5 frames per second and in total over 150 frames /75 each. Once completed we had to order the frames in After Effects then export them into Premier Pro. In Premier Pro we added the soundtrack and finally exported it to YouTube

Advertising Campaign Paper Work
I also did an advertising campaign for Nanna Mexico. I did this with a partner and we split the work load 50/50.  The brief was to make two posters, one for inside and the other outside. He mostly did the drawings as he is brilliant while I did the equally important paper work. We got a plan from the company which we had to follow which felt like a taste of the real media job. We had to give of a certain message when doing the project that was, "Eat Fresh and Healthy". Once completed we got very positive feedback from Nanna Mexico. we did the posters in PhotoShop as we had a lot of experience using it form previous projects.

- Power of The Mind Script Write and Performing
Another mention worthy project would have to be project 1 (special effects). For this project I wrote the script, which in my opinion isn't too bad. I also stared as the main character, which increased my acting skills. For the actual after effects I used Adobe After Effects, with this I made a pen look like it was floating with my mind. We did this by masking the background with pen and removing the string.

- Margarets Birthday Video
Finally I was asked to film a birthday party for a close friend who's sister was turning 50. As you can tell this was another huge honour and showed that my skills had been talked about. I borrowed the equipment from Long Road and asked a college to assist me with this task. I took many videos and pictures at the event. Once the event was over I went home and started editing it on iMovie. I took all footage and pieced together the short home video. It had all the aspects she wanted and got a great response.

Evaluation and Skills I Want To Improve On
I consider myself to be skilled when it comes to leadership and team work for example the Huntingdon Remembers 1914. The fact that Huntingdon Town Council positively complimented on my teams/my work is proof that I can manage a team and lead them to do great things. I have high knowledge of different editing softwares for example Premier Pro, PhotoShop, Adobe After Effects, and iMovie. The fact that I'm familiar with so many different softwares in the media industry makes me confident for the future e.g. University.  I haven't had the chance to try out every programme yet such as InDesign, this is most likely because it wasn't needed for my projects as InDesign is used to make graphical stuff like posters and fonts, which I had PhotoShop for. I would like to develop my PhotoShop skills as I don't consider myself to be a good at art design. I want to develop them because I know they will be essential for Media in further education. I have more experience with Premier Pro because I've used  it a lot in class and feel like I'm good when it comes editing things together. When it comes to photo's I would like to improve my skills in that area as I haven't had much experience. 

Overall all the experience I've gained from 3 years studying Media at Long Road has only cemented the dream of me working in the Media Industry. I knew that I wanted to be in this industry because I loved doing every piece of work and found out that I was good at it. The saying goes " do what you love" I strongly believe that I'm doing that.