Monday 22 June 2015

P3 Personal Resources

The rough amount that I'll be spending on equipment this year depends on how much I get from the university. A rough estimate for my spending would be around £400/£500. This is more than enough to buy a camera, tripod and editing software, overall completing what I need for successful year. All the prices can be found in my resource plan above.

What I have:

  • Camera
  • Apple Mac
  • Editing software e.g. iMovie
  • Laptop
  • Sound Recorder
What I can borrow/purchase:

  • Editing software (Premier Pro - PhotoShop) Adobe Creative Suite. This should be supplied by University as they have complete editing suites and more. I will also be purchasing this at the start of University to enable me to do editing at home.
  • Crew from University or friends. I can get a good crew from my previous or future class mates at university. The crew would be efficient s they're studying the same course. 
  • Actors from University or friends. I can obtain actors from Drama courses at University as they will be able to gain experience and word of mouth by featuring in as many projects available.
  • Sound equipment from University or friends.  This should be supplied by University as they have complete editing suites and more. I will also be purchasing this at the start of University to enable me to do editing at home.
  • Props e.g. costumes and sets from University or friends. I can obtain pros from the Drama department at University.
  • Professional filming camera from University or friends. This should be supplied by University as they have complete editing suites and more. I will also be purchasing this at the start of University to enable me to do editing at home.
  • Tripod from University or friends. This should be supplied by University as they have complete editing suites and more. I will also be purchasing this at the start of University to enable me to do editing at home.

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